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For the first time in Mangalore, Symphony has introduced an exclusive JAM ROOM to suit your professional or impromptu music practice needs. Symphony JAM ROOM facilitates solo or band members to hold informal music sessions and to develop or improvise new music material in a state-of-art musical setting. Not just the professionals but even aspiring musicians and hobbyist’s can utilize this space to unwind and improvise.
Unleash your Creativity
Symphony JAM ROOM is a spacious and acoustically treated room where band mates and individuals alike can come together for practice or jamming session. This room has been designed by keeping in mind the needs of professional as well as aspiring musicians and artistes. Tastefully crafted with optimal decorum and fitted with world class equipment, the JAM ROOM is the perfect space to bring out the musical creativity in you.

Symphony JAM ROOM is available on hourly rental basis. The rates are affordable and the collective experience of jamming is unmatched. Essential infrastructure such as drum set, mikes, stands, cables, mixer, speakers and stools are included. However, with prior notice additional musical instruments can be provided at nominal rentals.
Hang out and relax with your mates, and we promise that you will be back for more of these experiences. The best music is produced with lot of practice and bonding and Symphony is proud to play host for your musical sessions. Call us on +91-63640 36688 for details or bookings.